Homeschool & Asynchronous


Wall Street 101 

Investing & Trading


Get the skills and knowledge necessary to make informed financial decisions and wise investments - Perfect for High School Students Grades 9-12 


Gain a competitive financial edge for life!
Starting September 16, 2024 - SIGN UP NOW!

We start in









There's street smarts,

then there's Wall Street smarts.

An early financial education can pay off in the future. NOW is the time to learn!


 ✔ 3 in 4 teens lack confidence in their knowledge about money.

 ✔ 41% of teens don’t know what a 401(k) is.

 ✔ 86% of teens are interested in investing, but nearly half of those don’t invest because they lack financial savvy and confidence.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Your teen can be Wall Street smart and confident!

What You Can Expect to Learn

in This Program:


Part 1 - Wall Street 101 - Foundations of Investing

  •  Types of Investments: Overview of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.
  •  Evaluating Companies: Analyze financial health and growth potential.
  •  Players of Wall Street: Learn about the stock market, SEC, and FDIC.
  •  Market Crashes, Bubbles, and Scams: Learn the warning signs and how to protect your investments from similar pitfalls.


Part 2 - Investing & Trading - Advanced Strategies

  •  Stock Chart Analysis: Learn to use technical indicators.
  •  Investment Strategies: Develop strategic approaches to buying and selling stocks.
  •  Risk Management: Learn to minimize losses and protect investments.
  •  Place simulated trades with real world data
  •  Portfolio management


Pick the Learning Style that's Right for You




Live class attendance at scheduled dates and times on ZOOM


  •  10 sessions (Mondays & Thursday) live classes via Zoom
  •  Sessions @ 12pm - 2pm EST 
  •  Recording available in case you miss a live class
  •  Expert led, hands-on interactive class (NOT a boring lecture)
  •  Final day - ASK ME ANYTHING class
  •  Earn Certificate of Achievement


Upcoming Dates:

  •  Monday September 16 - Thursday October 17
  •  @ 12pm EST - 2pm EST







 Self Paced with Office Hours 

Move through the course at your own speed and on your own schedule 


  • 10 pre-recorded sessions released weekly on Mondays
  • Twice weekly Office hours on Sundays @ 5pm - 6pm EST & Thursdays @ 7.30pm - 8,30pm EST
  • OPTIONAL to attend the live Zoom sessions
  • Students access and view pre-recorded course content through the Teach Me Wall Street learning management system
  • Students must complete and submit assignments weekly on schedule to successfully fulfill course requirements
  • Earn Certificate of Achievement upon completion


Upcoming Dates:

  • Monday September 16 - Thursday October 31
  • your own schedule



Give Your Teen a Financial Jumpstart!

They can get one step ahead of their peers.


What's the best early graduation gift you can give to your teen? Financial literacy!
By program completion, your successful student will…


Gain confidence and awareness of teen investing opportunities.

Understand how to use compound interest to grow their wealth.

Know how to choose the right stocks.

Learn when and how to sell stocks for maximum profits.

Earn a certificate & extracurricular activity experience to stand out on their college applications.


Meet the Teacher

Over the past 15 years, I’ve shared my knowledge and passion for finance with thousands of students in workshops, at conferences, on tours, and in my virtual classroom.

I’ve successfully translated and navigated the world of finance for students in programs offered through my top-rated Wall Street walking tour / education company WALL STREET WALKS, and since 2020, have been teaching students to be “money smart” online in my unique TEACH ME WALL STREET boot-camps.

Prior to becoming an educator and entrepreneur, I spent 10 years working in the Banking and Compliance departments of Morgan Stanley and worked 2 years independently as a day trader.

My programs have been featured on CNN International and in The Daily Telegraph, Newsday and USA Today.

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